Info COGPACK® DEMO for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11

Please read this information before downloading the demo version!
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Installation of the COGPACK DEMO

COGPACK DEMO has to be installed to the harddisk and needs about 320 MB free space. Close all windows applications. After downloading install COGPACK DEMO by executing the downloaded file.

With Windows 7 and Vista it is neccessary to run the installation explicitly as administrator: right-click on the downloaded file and then click "Run As Administrator". With all other Windows versions start the installation by double clicking on the downloaded file.

If the COGPACK setup program doesn't start, this problem may be caused by an active firewall. Please switch off the firewall. And/or you may have to switch off your anti-virus program.

In the directory selected for installation any COGPACK file which is not a result file will be overwritten without any comment!

DirectX 8.1 is needed for the exercises:
Who-or-What (WeroderWas, Qui ou quoi, quíen/qué, chi o cosa, WieofWat, hva/hvor, O que é) alternatives a and b, (resp. GuessWords alternative "Word running letters" in new COGPACK versions)
Piece-work (Akkord, à la pièce, a destajo, a cottimo, Accoord, Akkord, Emprego),
On-the-road (Schilderwald, sur la route, tráfico, per strada, Op-de-weg, skilt jungel, Tráfego),
Ball (Springball, Balle, pelota, pallina, Springbal, Springball, Bola).
If not present, DirectX must be downloaded from the Microsoft web page

These exercises may not work properly with some NVIDIA GeForce and Intel HD Graphics GPUs or drivers. You can fix this by installing the 'cp_addOn'.

If the speed of exercises Piece-work, On-the-road, or Ball is too slow or too high, please click on Tuning in the Options/Supervisor menu of COGPACK to adapt the speed to your hardware.

Under Windows 7 in some cases COGPACK graphics are only displayed correctly, if the theme "Aero" is deactivated. To deactivate this theme: Open Theme Settings by clicking the "Start" button, clicking "Control Panel", clicking "Appearance and Personalization", clicking "Personalization", and then clicking "Theme". Under Theme, select the "Windows Classic" theme in the drop-down list, and then click "OK".

Under Windows Vista in some cases COGPACK graphics need the color scheme "Aero" to be displayed correctly. To activate this color scheme: Right-click on the desktop and choose "Personalize". Click the "Window Color and Appearance" link. Then in the next screen, click the link near the bottom for "Open classic appearance properties for more color options". In the color scheme list select "Windows Aero" and click on the "Apply" button. If "Windows Aero" is not offered in the color scheme list, your system does not fulfill the requirements for Aero (e.g. Aero is not offered in the Vista Home Basic version).

For a more detailed and continously updated Q & A list cf. select a language and click on FAQ. For troubleshooting call the marker software hotline +49 6203 922256 mo-fr 9.00-16.00 h or write us an email.

Starting the already installed COGPACK DEMO

Check if speakers and/or ear phone are properly connected to your computer and appropriate loudness is set, this is especially significant for exercises using spoken language: Comparisons e,f,g, WhoOrWhat o,p, Memory p,q, Information b, and Dictation. Now you can start by clicking on:

 Start   All programs    COGPACK Demoversion   COGPACK Demo  

In menu Options/Training modes you can select coins, notes, and traffic signs for several countries.

If the speed of exercises Piece-work, On-the-road, or Ball is to slow or to high, please click on  Tuning  in the Options/Supervisor menu of COGPACK to adapt the speed to your hardware.

Restrictions of the COGPACK DEMO

Please mind: COGPACK Professional and COGPACK Home are designed for training but COGPACK DEMO is not. The demo demonstrates only 4 tasks for any type of task where the standard versions present 12 to 80 tasks on a variable or random schedule. Adaptive trials can't be demonstrated with the DEMO because number of tasks is too small. Some feedback features and the option of presenting comparative scores at the end of each trial are completely shut off in the DEMO. Furthermore the DEMO doesn't save results to result databases Gfile, EWfile and Sfile nor to report-files with one exception: exercise Comparisons a (Vergleiche, Vergelijken, Confronta, Comparación, lik/ulik, Comparações) does. So only results from exercise Comparisons a can be listed and plotted in menu Results/Profiles etc. The File/Indications menu is a preliminary edition, some parts contain not yet translated German text in all language sets.

© Copyright 1986..2022 by Marker Software GmbH, D-Ladenburg. All rights reserved.

Download free COGPACK DEMO  (270 MB, depending on language)

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